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Suzuki: RedlineGTi Canberra Cruise '05

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2004 1:06 am
by Brayden
As part of my affiliation with I'm helping to organise a Suzuki Swift cruise in Canberra for January of 2005.
So I thought to myself, why not invite my fellow MB owners along as well to get in on the action as part of the Suzuki family.
For anyone that is interested in attending, this event will be held over three days, with a plethora of things happening to keep you entertained. If three days sounds like too long then you're welcome to come for as long as you want and leave whenever you please. ;)

Here are the initial details from another forum - just bear in mind that this is primarily a RedlineGTi thing so its kinda geared towards those guys, but I'd love to see MB owners there to join in on the fun.
RedlineGTi Forum wrote: The time: Friday 14th to Sunday 16th of January 2005
The place: Canberra, ACT
The details: (and these are open to discussion and subject to confirmation)

Due to popular demand (and the fact we're lazy shits who want to stay at home for once ) The Canberra crew will be putting together a massive weekend of fun and sun for your cruising pleasure. Details are only in the very early stages at the moment, but I thought we should get in early and at least set a date so nobody has an excuse for missing out on what should be a great weekend.
Note: This gives us all about 4 MONTHS preparation time!
Given that it can be expensive to get away for a couple of days we're also trying to make this event as easy on the pocket as possible and will try to secure some discount accomodation for those who want to book in groups.
This cruise is open to anyone who owns a car with an "S" badge on the bonnet and would like to hang out with other Suzuki enthusiasts having a laugh and a good time.

Here is a rough breakdown of events, but note that I am merely outlining some ideas, and I need help from other Canberra Redliners to make it happen. I know Ben and Dan have showed an interest in contributing and hopefully more will follow!

As per last year a small night meeting will be organised for those who arrive during the day so we can all have a chat and perhaps clock up a few kms either taking in a bite to eat or grabbing a coffee depending on how late we start. Street racing against local riceboys and bogans is optional, but not endorsed by RedlineGTi of course.

Starting mid morning (because as I said, we're lazy), there will be an "observational rally" running through the city and surrounds. For those who are unfamilar with what this is, details will be provided closer to the day. A road map will be supplied to all participants.
At the conclusion of the rally there will be a BBQ provided for a $5ea, just to keep things fair on the organisers. Sexual favours will be accepted if you don't have any cash. The BBQ will include meat, bread, salads and drinks so thats a pretty good deal for $5 if you ask me.
Following on from the BBQ will be an excursion to race some go-karts for those who are interested, we should be able to get a good price rate for a group booking.
Given a few hours rest time, Saturday night is set aside for anyone keen on heading to the city for some bevvies and a possible casino hit, or perhaps an Initial D grudge match or two. I really have no idea on this one and invite your suggestions. Whatever the case, nothing will be set in concrete - just a time made to meet up, then let the majority rule. If you want to make your own plans then that is totally cool.

This will be the main group cruising day, which involves an easy drive following a similar route to last year, taking in a sample of the Canberra terrain and winding to lunch at a yet to be confirmed location.
Following on directly from lunch I'm looking at an informal awards ceremony, with prizes awarded over a range of categories, all of which will be unvieled on the day.

That will pretty much see the end of the weekend, giving everyone plenty of time to get home for the Monday morning blues.
Now as an organiser I'll be around for all three days and look forward to seeing anyone who can make it.

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2004 11:45 am
by Josh
Count me in if the car's on the road an no work comes up! :)