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consider the price difference! however there is a cheap sound deadening material - ... t_page.htm
Bostik sound deadening

~$7 for 3/4 sq m sheet :thumbup1: theres a review for this stuff on the net. i just cant find it. if anyone wants some pm me and ill get you in contact with a guy who will resell at wholesale prices.
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yeah dave im thinking the same as you. no point slowing it down after the effort of the f6.
im now officially a jaycar dealer so im going to see if i can find the weights of all their sound deadeners, will let you know what i come up with, and how well it works cos i will be putting it thru mine as well.

and yes to all of you i can do mates rates for tamon memberson jaycar gear, but dont spam this thread, will start a new one in general discussion area.
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Guys! The weight added is minimal. MINIMAL! It's like the difference between a 70kg person driving the car and a 73kg person driving it... Big woop! Maybe eat less Maccas or something (not saying anyone is fat here...).

Would you rather have an effective working method of quietening down the car for a comfortable ride with an addition of about 3kgs or would you rather add foam to your rear arches (which doesn't even solve half the entire problem of road noise) and run the risk of deforming your panels (something very easy to do on a MB) whilst not providing anything but a diversion for panel resonance? Longest.sentence.ever. :D

It needs to be done properly, or not at all. It's like asking someone over for cheese and crackers but only supplying crackers! Where's the cheese?!?!?!

Please don't ruin your car with expandafoam. Buy a bulk pack, split it with a friend, install it over a few cold ones. Enjoy.

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CoinSlot wrote:Researching atm if there is anyway to reduce reflections of glass. Of course, this side of things is for the audio system and not needed when just wanting to quieten the car some.
Best thing you can do is locate and direct all your drivers in such a way that they're targeting sound at your head and not too much in the direction of glass, eg: no rear speakers sending unwated crap about the place and a front stage low set in the door in pods pointing at you so that whatever spill is left strikes your newly deadend roof and not too much glass... :wink:
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I need to find out whether curtains are illegal in CAASQ... From what I can tell there is no rule against them :D

Sheet lead for me!!!! Roll comes as 6m x 0.3m so 1.8 sq metres hmmmm about half of a bulk pack. Coincidence? I think not :wink: Hopefully get some pictures up on Sunday arvo (screw Mother's Day, i'll be working on the car).
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Can't wait to give my ute the same treatment. Would look forward to an opportunity for a cruise and a listen in yours.
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Hopefully it'll make a RedlineGTi Canberra Cruise sometime... Probably not the one at the end of this year but hopefully the next. By then it should ave paint done, engine done etc as well.

Curtains are go! Should be interesting to see the judges faces when I rock up with drapes hanging from my windows :lol:
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Makes sense to me! :D

That's what we tell every venue with shitty echo and reverb to do... buy drapes from us! :lol:
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Bought me some lead today! Wooo. Is quite heavy... :D

I have sort of hit a wall though. I really need to weld in whatever brackets I need before laying down the lead otherwise it'll be a royal pain in the ass later. So I need to find me a welder and some scrap metal for fabbing brackets...

If anyone in Brisbane is keen to lend a hand let me know.

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To anyone that want's to know the most important part of a good sound system is the accoustics, this means that when you have a piece of metal vibrating it using potential energy that could be used by the speaker! by eliminating all resonance from speakers you have the best quality sound.
Ie, if you had a hatch/mightyboy with the best sound system in it but no deadening, it would pale in comaprison to a hatch/mightyboy with a generic system (same components (lower quality)) and full sound deadening! NOTE: full sound deadening normally includes spraying concrete to inner panels or even filling doors and panels with concrete, using hundreds of kilos of lead etc. this is for sound offs.

coin whats this canberra shit? you live in brisbane! also with lead it is going to be a bit different than a 70kg person to a 73kg person more like adding a 73kg person, is it yellow lead? stuff used in building houses? also i am going the same route but i am not using lead just tar and the stick on aluminium/tar stuff, and sound deadener underlay, i have painted the entire indide of my hatch with tar so far 5kg and i will do the same under the body, just in the cabin i have no road noise apart from my loose rear hatch and gearbox whine! can't wait till i do under car.
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'Cause Josh is in Canberra, so how else would he get a listen to it?

Tar based stuff is alright but Dynamat Extreme is a lighter, yet more effective solution. It's Butyl based or something, i'm not a scientist so I don't know for sure.

I would very much like to compare our cars once they're both finished with deadening! Make sure you keep a tally of all the products you've used and how much etc so we can help others make informed decsions on reducing incar noise. Oh and make sure you do the roof! It's sooooo flexy.

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oh i got a hatch i don't know if because it is longer in the whole body sections, but i need to do every little inch you can tap anywhere on the car with your finger and it sounds like tapping on a tin can. ha ha, also when you put it on car stands you cannot open or shut a door cause the body seems to flex, ha ha i think i am going to die in this car once i do my motor conversion its so weak!! but yeah man i am coming over next saturday or sunday so i will give you a buzz, are you gonna be home?
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I will be home all weekend except maybe early on Saturday morning.

Well not really much to update with for a while I think. I'm going to try and get the roof cleaned and deadened so I'll pictures of that. Might make some dodgy sound recordings of the difference Dynamat makes if anyone is interested (no on-road tests 'cause the car seems to be leaking water from where i removed the heater :wink:).

Other then that I have to save for my front speakers which means actually doing some shifts at work *sigh* might take a few weeks because I'm quite lazy.

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Well got stuck into the roof today! My arms are now quite sore, but it was worth it.


The difference is as I thought it would be :wink: Dodgy sound files are here:

They should play in Quicktime.

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well it says its not a movie file
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