door handles

MightyBoy tech questions and answers.
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Went to leap into the Mighty Boy today and not knowing my own strength ripped the driver's door handle off.
Had a couple of spares but also had some chrome metal ones off a early hatch. Bolted straight on and look great. Too much chrome is not enough.
took about 20 minutes easy job.
chomp on this
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sorry to jack your thread man...
but this is perfect chance to bring this up...

my mty boy body work starts VERY shortly....

anyone have much info on Shaving the door handles.. coz i wanna shave the handles.. and wanna shave the tray aswell.. any info there would be good..

i dont care if u like it or not.. all i care about is the cost involved etc etc and how it works... thankyou...

i tink it would look sleeeek...
none for ya
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shaved door handles works like this:

you take out your door handles and weld a piece of metal behind it.
you then buy a decent car alarm with extra i/o and buttons on the remote to do it (otherwise you end up with 2 remotes :S
get a door popper kit.
install the door popper kit
drive and push the button away.

basically the door popper kit is an actuator which is bolted onto the latching rod (not the lockign rod :D ) you push the button the actuator moves and pushes out the door. if your interested look on teamswift for a guy called swiftcirrus - he is talking about doing it to his swift.
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Check with your local authorities first, because shaved handles are illegal in some states.
F8B EFI turbo - Three pots and a snail.
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