Charge Light is On

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So am I diagnosing the situation right?

The Charge Light is on in the dash.
No new electricals or rewiring etc.
When the engine is running there are no volts coming back through the lead from the Alternator. ( have checked this lead it self for breakages)
When the alternator is unplugged the charge light goes out.
The battery still has a 12 and abit volt reading.

I assume the alternator is stuffed.

Anyone else think so?
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with the wire coming back from the alternator, have you checked it for breaks? not with your eyes i mean but put a meter across it for continuity?

sounds stupid but with it running give the alternator a few belts with a hammer. had an old commodore alternator crap out on me on the side of the road once. no tools, so i found a stick and gave her a few taps and away she went, lasted a few more weeks before finally shitting itself properly :lol:
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Yes, I've checked every lead with a multimeter.
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This late in the day, I'm liking the idea of the old "technical thump"

Who knows - maybe a brush or similar just needs a bit of a jolt to re-connect...

(Sorry, not much help I know) :x
So the adventure continues...
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Ok. I'll give it a go. Better than waiting here watching the screan waiting for a miracle.
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if your not getting around 14.4 volts output from the alternator, theres something wrong with it
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Not much room to swing a hammer.

Car started first time as usual and hitting it didn't do anything.

There's a little light built into my battery that says it's Fine. There's a light for charging required and a third for add water but they're not on.
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just checked the shed, last resort ive got a spare off my old f6b, not sure if its the same or not but your welcome to it. problem is you have to make it to albury to get it, as im coming from the other direction and wont make it until late tomorro arvo..
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with a multimeter, and the car running, how many volts are comin out of the alt? just put one lead to earth and other to power wire comin out of alt.. hold the revs up and it should be around 14v, turn the lights on and see if it drops much.. if its not charging at around 14v then more than likely the alt is buggered..

it wont charge if the light is on in the dash either...
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ust checked the shed, last resort ive got a spare off my old f6b, not sure if its the same or not but your welcome to it
Now we're getting somewhere!!! :thumbup1:

The multimeter has no reading at all. I'd risk it if it had something.

I've got a battery charger on hand but the thing is, got to get to power point.
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Umm. This may work, but not sure. Get one of those solar battery chargers from supercheap. if you drive without using any lights or radio, it may supply enough to keep it going. I know there made for when you go on holiday and dont want a flat battery.
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I was planning on leaving home at 5am. Supercheap's not open,
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when u check it, was the car running?
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no chance, i sell those, youd need a massive panel to get any useful power out of, the supercheap ones might charge your battery in a week.. maybe.. if your lucky :lol:

while we're on crazy lets get you there schemes :P batterys operate at their best at between 30-40 degrees. get some airflow to it (or away from it depending on the day) and you might get some extra time out of it :NFI:
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are u traveling down with some one else? take some tools, and when it starts to go flat, swap it with another mb one... and keep doin that till ya get there? that way there is gonna be a charged batt all the time lol
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