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how hot should a carry run. or pics of F10a swap

Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2010 7:29 pm
by havabeer
hi everyone. finally got my carry going after a full rebuild my question is how hot should the car be, ie where on the temp gauge, i just assumed half way but mine seemed to be creeping above it i think on my blurt around the street.

and the engine bay just seems to have heat pouring out of it, both top and bottom hoses are boiling hot. the radiator its self isn't in the best condition and i'm not sure if i have the heater hose's the right way.

so does anyone have pictures of an F10a swap in a carry so i can see which way the heater hose's go?

Re: how hot should a carry run. or pics of F10a swap

Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2010 9:00 pm
by Billie
Heater hoses wont cause those problems. Get a new radiator, if the fins have had it it wont be cooling the coolant properly, check thermostat and that the fan works also that the fan switch is connected (assuming it has a electric fan). Was the coolant bled properly? There could be air bubbles in there which can cause it to overheat, if it has an electric fan is it spinning the right way? Sucking not pushing air through. Hope that helps.

Re: how hot should a carry run. or pics of F10a swap

Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2010 9:14 pm
by NozMonkeys
Run a mix of coolant.

I recon you radiators probably had it. My F10a use to do the same thing and I found out the core was rotten.

If both top and bottom hoses are hot then your thermostats working.

Make sure the fan on the front isn't slipping. You shouldn't be able to spin it very much as it should have some resistance.

Run a cowling around your fan as well.

A good carry will run at approximatiely 1/4 to 1/3. Anything much above half and get a little nervous. They overheat exactly on the H line and use a bit of water just below the H line but don't boil. Personal experience.

Re: how hot should a carry run. or pics of F10a swap

Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2010 6:04 am
by havabeer
yeah she didn't get any where near the hot mark i made sure of that, but yeah the radiator is pretty shocking so i might have to hunt around for a new one.

can't really be a fan issue as its a non electric one that's bolted to the water pump, water pump could also be an issue as i think it has a small leak coming from it :(

Re: how hot should a carry run. or pics of F10a swap

Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2010 7:13 am
by Billie
You can get your radiator re-cored.

Re: how hot should a carry run. or pics of F10a swap

Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2010 10:25 am
by nelpd96
Might I suggest that you test the guage in your vehicle to see how accurate it is. Trying to base the temperature of your vehicle off a 1/4-1/3 up the guage is just bad practice. Pull the temp sender out and stick it in a cup of just boiled water. This will give you a rough idea on where 85 degree's is. From there you can start to make an assessment on how hot your vehicle is acutally running, anything else is just guess work.


Re: how hot should a carry run. or pics of F10a swap

Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2010 5:03 pm
by havabeer
smartest thing i've heard all day nelpd

i'll have a look at these things on the weekend

Re: how hot should a carry run. or pics of F10a swap

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 11:40 pm
by supervan
my carry f10a runs on about 1/4 in cool nights but in the hot summer days it can get close to 1/2....

ive had her out on the highway plenty of times for 4-500 kay runs without stoping reving at 4000rpm for a good 5hrs and it never gets over half and im yet to have to top the coolant up.

although there is some what of a power loss when its at almost 1/2 probberbly becourse ive got a pod on it and its sucking in hot air..

it also takes a while to warm up but i think thats due to the fan spinning as soon as you turn the engine over its like having your thermo's allways on.