running wires

MightyBoy tech questions and answers.
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just wondering when anyone has put speakers in the door of there mighty boy how did they run the wires to the head unit without them being visable..
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Ran them through holes in the 'A' pillar and door, covered in tape. Shrink wrapping would be a better alternative.
F8B EFI turbo - Three pots and a snail.
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did you have to drill the holes or were they already there.. i can't seem to see any there, would you have a picture at all if its not too much trouble..
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There is a blanking grommet in the A-pillar an inch or two below where the windscreen starts to rake back. You can simply knock a hole in this blank grommet, then drill a hole in on hinging face of the door and put a wiring grommet in it. Easy! :wink:
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